Monday, May 24, 2010

Correctly Notating your Posts

There's a method to how to e-mail the adjudicator so that the program can read what you want.

I put a bit of fuzzy logic for reading things.

But, here's the gist:

It reads both long names and short names.

This is what the program is based off of.

You have 6 possible notation types: Hold, Move, Support, Convoy, Build, and Disband. This is how to notate them to my system.


F English Channel H.


A Nap -> Pie
F English Channel -> North Sea
A Nap - Pie

(the program recognizes - as the stop point...)


Both use the same notation, only substituting C and S for whatever the case may be

A Nap S A Pie -> Rom
F English Channel C A London - Picardy


When you capture supply centers, you can build new armies/fleets in the winter months. (Turns go Spring, Fall, Winter Year 19XX)

Build A Napoli
Build A Nap

This is the only way to build


When you lose supply centers, you're forced to contract your army/fleet size. This happens in Winter Months as well.

Disband F AEG
Disband F Aegean Sea

I'll be monitoring the game, and auditing my auditor to make sure my regular expressions in C are up to par, if they're not, i'll catch the output.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Starting the Game:

I need the following:

Send e-mail to with the following information.

1) Best way to reach you.
2) Email you'd like to use to receive communication.
3) Questions on the game.
4) Preference for starting country.

How i'd like 4 to go would be:



I'd like france first most, if i can't hold france, i'd take germany, if germany is already taken, i'd take England, Italy, Turkey, Russia, and Austria in that order.

My program i'm using (it's a C based adjudicator) will pick a random number between 1-7, 7 being the highest on priority if 2 or more people pick the same country for the first country... The further down you are on your list, the higher your priority to get those countries are. I'd go further into how it works, but, i'm just going to explain that it does. Yes, you can negotiate trading your country once you're assigned one.

Dates for country assignment will be May 27th. Get your names to the e-mail by then. If you don't put one in, you might be A) given a country at random, B) replaced.

Basic Questions.

Renji: Everyone has 3 Supply stations?
AQ: Yep. Except for russia, who has 4.

Renji: The goal is to capture supply stations?
AQ: Indeed. You can ONLY capture supply stations though in the WINTER turn, which means you have to sit on them at the end of the fall turn... meaning, if you're italy, you'll LIKELY have your fleet move from Napoli -> TYR -> Tunis... 2 turns, Spring move, and then Fall move.

Renji: So, you want to protect your borders kinda like in risk?
AQ: More so, you want to protect the pressure points and your supply centers. You want to protect your countries supply centers (as they're the ONLY place you can create armies from.) And there are pressure points, Like, if i'm using italy as an example... the game with france is relatively weak in the beginning... you're blocked in on land units with Switzerland between Marsailles and Piedmont...

AQ: Which brings me to my next point: moves. So, suppose you have an army in piedmont (italy), and a fleet in marsailles (french). The french want to move into Piedmont... what they have to do is: have greater numbers than defending. In a 1v1 situation, nothing happens. If France moves F Mar -> Pie and Italy goes either A Pie Hold or A Pie -> Mar... nothing happens. It's a standoff... This is why the western border of Italy is easy to defend and hard to attack from: basically, you need a fleet in the Gulf of Lyon (LYO), in order to move from there... For italy, it requires quite a bit of muscle to move west, and a bit of luck. If Germany is pushing hard against France, it might not have the support in Burgundy to constantly support Marsailles. (i'll attach mini-maps to try to demonstrate what i'm saying eventually), of which then Italy could bring a fleet to Lyon, with the help of German Distractors, push the french out of marsailles with an order of F Lyo S A Pie to Mar, and A Pie to Mar. That'd dislodge the fleet in Mar and force them to retreat.

Renji: So, France COULD attack Pie?
AQ: Yeah, but normally they'd want to go for spain and belgium. As spain is relatively easy to acquire, and belgium is easily supported. This gives france a nice advantage in the beginning because spain is SO uncontested and most of the time, you'll have the opportunity to rush Belgium before either England or Germany can. The winning scenario of the game is to get 18 supply centers to win, and how do you get 18 supply centers? overpower your opponants with bigger supports. More units, more supports.

Use this link for descriptions until i get them imaged out... most likely tomorrow.

Renji: Support?
AQ: Ah, support, the basic part of the game. Support works in a few ways. Lets look at these scenarios.

1 v 1, i.e. no support. Everyone bounces.
A Mun -> Boh (Army in Munich moves to Bohemia)

A Vie -> Boh (Army in Vienna moves to Bohemia)

since there's no support, neither win. Both go back to their region that the started.

lets take a look at 2v1.

A Mun -> Tyr (Army in Munich moves to Tyrol)
A Boh S A Mun -> Tyr (Army in Bohemia Supports Army in Munich's move to Tyrol)

A Ven -> Tyr (Army in Venice mvoes to Tyrol)

The Italian order fails because there's no support. If Bohemia didn't support the move to Tyrol, they both would stand off. But since there was support, Germany takes the territory.

Alternatively, you could do something like this...

A Mun -> Tyr (Army in Munich moves to Tyrol)

A Ven -> Tyr (Army in Venice moves to Tyrol)

Austria Hungary
A Vie S Mun -> Tyr (Army in Vienna Supports THE GERMAN Army in Munich's move to Tyrol)

This would produce the same result... German army moves from Munich to Tyrol. But how? Because of support from austria hungary... How does Germany gain the support of Austria Hungary? Asking them. Bartering, Bullying, Conceding. Of course, verbal and written agreements are... just agreements. You can break them at any time... So suppose Germany has Austria's 'Support'... and then Austria writes a move like this

A Vie S Ven -> Tyr (Army in Vienna Supports The Italian Army in Venice's move to Tyrol)...

Oh ho ho... now, you're looking at this... how can i really trust anyone if they're all going to backstab me... Paranoia sets in... yep.

Contrarily they could just do the following two moves...

A Vie Holds
A Vie -> Tyr

Both would cause a standoff... and no one would be in Tyrol...

(i hope this is getting clearer)

So, lets take a look at 2v2 Situations...

You have 3 players in this skiff... England France and Germany...

Germany has F Hol, A Ruh. France is A Pic, A Bur. And England is F Eng, F Nth. (In order, they're Holland, Ruhr, Picardy, Burgundy, English Channel and North Sea...)

Lets say, we're in spring 1902... and the move orders are:

A Ruh -> Bel
F Hol S A Ruh -> Bel

F Eng S F NTH Hold
F NTH Hold

A Pic -> Bel
A Bur S A Pic -> Bel

What we have here is England Supporting a 'hold'. Supporting a hold means that army can't be moved out of it's space unless it has at least 1 more army available to attack it.

Germany sends 1 Fleet in, with 1 support to Belgium.
France sends 1 Army in, with 1 support to Belgium

2 v 2 = BOUNCE.

Nothing happens, everyone goes back to their locations. Blah blah blah.

So, what do you do in a situation like this?


The old adage, it's easier to fight one one front over two especially is true in 1900 europe. You can't do it. So, you can't support someone, if that territory is getting attacked...

So suppose...

A Ruh -> Bel
F Hol S A Ruh -> Bel

F Nth -> Hol

A Pic -> Bel
A Bur S A Pic -> Bel

Uh oh. England has it out for Germany... because they are attacking Holland, Germany doesn't have the support from Ruhr to Belgium, so France takes it because it becomes a 2 v 1.

Now, the above move was poor on Germany's part...Why? Because it wasn't protecting itself, if it instead wrote

F Hol -> Bel
A Ruh S F Hol -> Bel

What would have happened is the following:

England's gambit to help France fails because the support wouldn't be cut. The Attack doesn't Equal the support... So, Everyone bounces. Holland and Picardy both have 2 support, England's Fleet in the North Sea (NTH) can't enter Holland because the German Fleet is already there and there's no support to get in.

Think about who you're attacking with, and where you're attacking from. ONLY the moving piece moves. Supporting pieces don't move.

So, lets try it this way, a 3 way...

So suppose...

A Ruh -> Bel
F Hol S A Ruh -> Bel

F Nth -> Bel
F Eng S F Nth -> Bel

A Pic -> Bel
A Bur S A Pic -> Bel

All 3 are trying to take belgium... who gets it? You can probably guess, 2 v 2 v 2, still means no one wins.

Now, lets move onto retreating...

Suppose pieces are in the exact same spot, except for the two English pieces... they happen to be in HEL and NTH (Helgoland)... Germany and France are doing the same thing... but...

A Ruh S F Hol -> Bel
A Hol -> Bel

F Nth -> Hol
F Hel S F Nth -> Hol

A Pic -> Bel
A Bur S A Pic -> Bel

Uh oh. Looks like England wants to fuck with Germany in Holland..Since no support is cut (because Germany is playing it smart... ish?), everyone bounces out of Belgium. But, since Holland has no support while it's being invaded (2 v 1 against england)... It has to retreat to the only possible spot... Which is Kie (Kiel) (fleets can't move inland). If you're unable to retreat to: an unoccupied spot or a spot you can legally be on (fleets can't be on inland squares, armies can't be on water), the piece is removed from the game until you're able to make a new one. That'd happen if there was an ARMY already in Kiel as they'd be unable to move out into a spot that's unoccupied. ON the other hand, if your army in Kiel was moving to Denmark... There'd be no destroyed pieces...

Last Examples:

Suppose Germany has an army in Munich as well...

A Ruh -> Bel
F Hol S A Ruh -> Bel
A Mun -> Bur

F Nth -> Hol
F Hel S F Nth -> Hol

A Pic -> Bel
A Bur S A Pic -> Bel

I think you can see what's coming...

The support for Picardy to Belgium was cut by Munich attacking Burgundy. The German F Hol -> Bel works... Because there's no longer any support for Picardy, On the other hand, England takes Holland...


Monday, May 17, 2010

Rule Questions

If anyone has any questions on the rules. Let me know. I'll try to explain them as best as I can, if not, i'll have my brother explain them as we move further.

Convo with renji in comments.

Opening Post


Kay (awfullyquiet)
Georg (Renji, Gay_Ork_Wang)
Matt (snuff)
Jesse (NJX9)
Evan (bruce_banner, phrost)
Alexandre (Woot)


Robbie (awfullyquiet's brother)
Andrew (TheUnseen)

e-mail addresses and other forms of contact will be listed as necessary to facilitate contact.

this is not like a mock draft, where you can leave others with your board. you must pick. if you don't pick, you do nothing. and that is bad.

This will be done primarily by an e-mail system. I will allow an audit if people would like, but it's being done with an pop3/imap server and a registered e-mail address at gmail... it'll be something like (pending creating. this will be updated)

the program i use pulls information from the e-mail address.

i'm not 100% sure how the notation system works for this program, if it's like ones i used in the past, i'll procure a post describing the correct way to notate your moves.



I will build a map after each season and e-mail to the list. You must register an e-mail.

The map will be available in posts on here... including a detailed list of moves. If you have an questions. Please feel free to comment in the post. Yes that requires you to have a google account. If you don't, you're dumb.